Paladin Disability Tax Credit Specialists in Canada
Paladin Tax Credit Solutions Inc.® is a family owned, federally chartered disability tax credit firm whose purpose is to assist those with disabilities, located anywhere in Canada, navigate the complex application process for the federal Disability Tax Credit. The Disability Tax Credit is the gateway designation to many federal and provincial disability programs including retroactive tax refunds of up to $ 40,000 to those who qualify.
BILLIONS OF UNCLAIMED DOLLARS because persons with a disability are not getting all the benefits they are entitled to. The Disability Tax Credit – DTC (usually called the disability amount) is a ‘tax refund’ plan created by our Federal Government (Canada Revenue Agency – CRA) decades ago, to assist those individuals with disabilities.
CRA has special tax credits for disabled Canadians that can mean refunds of up to $50,000 tax and benefits and up to an additional $40,000 Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) benefits.
Did you know……that most people do not apply for the DTC in their lifetime because either:
- They didn’t know they were eligible;
- They didn’t know this tax refund was available;
- Relied on their tax preparer to know and apply for them;
- Were told they didn’t qualify;
Did you know…..Age is no barrier and whether you are employed or not, is no barrier.
What is a Disability Tax Credit (DTC)? A Canadian federal income tax refund may be claimed by individuals who meet certain conditions. The disability amount is a non-refundable tax credit used to reduce income tax payable on your return. There is also a supplement for persons under 18 and infirm dependents over 18 and resident caregivers.
Who can benefit? Anyone who has or has had a prolonged medical condition (lasting minimum of 12 months), resulting in a marked restriction, that has affected their daily living activities in the last (10) years or less.
What if you don’t pay income tax…is the DTC transferrable? Many people do not pay income tax, but have family members who pay the bills. If you don’t need to use some or all of the tax refund because you have little or no income, you may be able to transfer all or part of it to your supporting person or Caregiver. It may be transferred to father, mother, sister, brother, husband, wife, son, daughter, aunt, uncle, in-laws or common-law partner.
What are the qualifying factors? First, the DTC must be linked to taxes paid. Secondly, there are 9 qualifying activities of daily living: Vision, Speaking, Hearing, Walking, Elimination, Feeding, Dressing, Mental Functions, and Life Sustaining Therapy where you must show a marked restriction or impairment.
Are you eligible? You are eligible for the disability amount only if a qualified practitioner certifies that you have a prolonged impairment (12 months or more) and certifies the effects of your impairment. Canada Revenue Agency adjudicates and approves the Certificate. Call 1-800-267-7053 for Free Assessment and more information.
We Bring Disability Tax, Medical and Legal Professions Together
The professionals at Paladin Disability ® bring decades of medical, legal and tax experience to qualify you and ensure that your Disability Tax Credit application has the best chance for success.
Paladin Disability ® employs a collaborative approach utilizing a multi-disciplined team of professionals to maximize your Disability Tax Credit application’s chances for success.
Our Medical Liaison is a trained medical professional with the necessary experience to review the relevant medical evidence and liaise with both your attending physician and the Canada Revenue Agency.
Our Tax Liaison reviews your tax records and prepares and files retroactive income tax amendments and appropriate transfers of unused tax credits.
Our Legal Advisor is available throughout the application process to address legal issues which pertain to your Disability Tax Credit application as they arise.
Paladin Disability ® also utilizes a proprietary medical/legal database which is customized for each client thereby giving our medical, legal and tax staff access to the most recent medical information, court decisions and bulletins that pertain directly to your specific disability and circumstance.

Paladin Means "Champions for a Just Cause"
Our name was chosen for this very reason. We believe you deserve to have someone fighting for your rights. We do just that and believe that everyone should have representation for their application.
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How we help those with disabilities in Canada
The late, Roger Nielsen, former NHL coach and Hall of Famer knew the rules of hockey better than anyone. Once when an opposing team was awarded a penalty shot, Nielsen pulled his goalie in favour of a defence-man. When the opposing player picked up the puck, Nielsen’s defence-man rushed out and checked the unsuspecting player to save the goal. The opposing team was beside themselves, but there was nothing in the rules that said it couldn’t be done.
Having a strong grasp of the rules has never been more important; especially as they apply to the federal disability tax credit. Don’t count on Ottawa or the Canada Revenue Agency to give you a heads up or volunteer information critical to your understanding or qualification for this often misunderstood non-refundable tax credit. The DTC is the gateway to many federal and provincial disability programs including access to the generous Registered Disability Savings Plan. Legislation allows retroactive application of the credit for up to 10 years potentially yielding refunds in the tens of thousands of dollars.
Disability Tax Credit
The Disability Tax Credit should really be called “the effects of impairment tax credit”. The qualification criteria are primarily based upon the effects of the taxpayer’s impairment and not the diagnosis of their actual disability. This is often a source of confusion among the disabled. For example when one diabetic qualifies for the DTC and the next person with the same disability does not. It is all contingent upon the degree to which the disability impairs specific aspects of daily life.
One must simply be able to demonstrate with the available medical evidence that you are markedly restricted in one of the following areas of daily living: Sight, Speech, Hearing, Walking, Dressing, Feeding One’s Self, Elimination/Urination, and Thinking/Reasoning to qualify. The impairment must last or be expected to last at least 12 months. Life Sustaining therapies such as kidney dialysis are also covered. “Markedly restricted” means that you are restricted all of the time or substantially (90%) all of the time. Allowances are also made for those who do not meet the threshold for marked restriction but have a substantial restriction in at least two areas of daily living noted.
Why use us for the DTC?
This poses specific problems for most physicians who are required to complete the Disability Tax Credit application. Firstly, physicians chart their respective patient’s diagnosis, treatment and the results of various medical tests. They don’t as a matter of course document the specific effects of their patient’s impairment. Secondly, they almost never record or report them in the “language of the legislation”, referring to the Income Tax Act. This is a crucial requirement of the adjudication process established by relevant legal precedent. Regretfully, you won’t find this information anywhere in the instructions. This likely explains why the majority of qualified self-applicants are denied.
The CRA will often recommend that the disabled self-apply for the DTC. This is somewhat reminiscent of a car accident victim being counselled by an insurance adjuster to negotiate a settlement directly with the insurance company without the benefit of a lawyer. It usually does not end well. Unless you have a strong legal or accounting background, it is recommended that you utilize the services of a professional to guide you through the DTC application process. The DTC appeals process can be complicated and costly if you are denied.
“This is my testamonial statement I would like to say how Paladin Disability helped me get a tax credit for myself and my deceased husband. Ardith was so helpful . How I heard about your company my son had a financial advisor that told him about it. I have recommended your company to a lot of my friends.”
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Paladin Disability takes your confidentiality extremely seriously. We take all measures to safeguard your information.
Canada Wide Service
One of our representatives should be able to meet with you in person. If this is not possible, we can do interviews and get documents electronically.